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Storm clips help the rain gutter to keep its shape, even when there are large amounts of snow. They are also known as bead retainers or straddles... more

Storm clip

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Storm clips from GRÖMO – When it gets tougher.

So the gutter doesn’t bend.

Heavy loads of snow or gutter brackets that are spaced too far apart can exert a lot of pressure on the roof gutter. To protect the gutter from resulting damage, additional stabilizing measures are required. Storm clips, also called bead retainers or straddles, are used for supporting and catching loads. They reach over the gutter bead and are attached to the gutter board. With this additional support, the bead area is kept high under loads, relieving the normal gutter bracket. This is also recommended in the accepted rules of engineering. There it says: “...Gutter brackets with straddles, also regionally called storm clips or bead retainers, are rated as highly durable with otherwise equal dimensions..." (Specialist trade rules of ZVSHK)

Eyes open during installation.

When putting up the storm clips, make sure that the brackets aren’t attached directly under the water-bearing spots in the roofing material used. For corrugated profiles, that would mean wave troughs, or troughs for roof tiles, for example. When attached correctly, it prevents draining water from running over the bead retainer and thus into the gutter. This would have the consequence of the rainwater being able to drip towards the ground unhindered in this spot. Also make sure that the clips can’t replace any snow restraints. Snow guards or snow fences should be installed in addition for this purpose. The GRÖMO storm clip has a twisted design made of hot-dip galvanized steel. It doesn’t matter if the gutter is half round or box-shaped. Even the material - plastic, stainless steel, aluminum or titanium zinc - is immaterial.